Friday, March 14, 2008

Merge Firefox and Skype into One!

Remember going to see the magic shows when you were a kid, or even seeing
them on television. I used to like when they would saw the woman in half, and then
put her back together again. Now what if we did an experiment and sawed off some
parts of Skype and put them into Firefox, as an extension? Then you would have

What Skyfox does is by no way going to revolutionize the way you use a computer.
Not everything you read has to be that life changing though. This extension does
one simple job and it does it well. After you install the Skyfox. extension, you just
need to give it your login name to Skype and it will give you a drop down menu of
all your contacts. Want talk to somebody? Just select their name, and you are good
to go.

Now I would have liked to of seen a sidebar for Skype to sit in and maybe a little
more merging of the two. Maybe in the next release we will see a little more
functionality. Another thing worth bringing up is the fact that you do have to have
Skype running in the background to get the full use of the Skyfox. extension. For
now though, Skyfox does a good job at making my Skype contacts a little more

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